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What To Include In A Job Application Letter

How to Craft an Outstanding Application Letter

The Essential Guide to Kickstarting Your Job Application

Step 1: Deconstruct a Good Cover Letter

Before penning your own letter, study exemplary ones to grasp their structure and content. Note the following key elements:

  • Professional header with your contact information
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  • Specific salutation addressing the hiring manager
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  • Compelling introduction highlighting your interest and qualifications
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  • Body paragraphs detailing your relevant skills and experiences
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  • Closing paragraph expressing enthusiasm and requesting an interview
  • Step 2: Utilize an Application Letter Template

    To streamline the writing process, leverage a pre-crafted template. These templates provide a structured framework to guide you through the essential elements of an effective application letter.

    Step 3: Highlight Your Skills and Experience

    Unlike a resume, an application letter enables you to delve into the details of your professional journey. Emphasize your skills and experiences that align with the position you're seeking.

    Step 4: Personalize Your Letter

    Go beyond the generic by tailoring your letter to the specific job you're applying for. Research the company and the role to identify how your qualifications match their requirements.

    Step 5: Proofread Carefully

    Before submitting your letter, meticulously proofread it for any errors in grammar, spelling, or formatting. A polished and error-free letter reflects your professionalism and attention to detail.

    Additional Tips:

  • Keep your letter concise, typically between 250-400 words.
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  • Use professional language and avoid slang or jargon.
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  • Include a call to action at the end of your letter, inviting the hiring manager to contact you for an interview.
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  • Consider including a portfolio or LinkedIn profile link to showcase your past work.

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